oldest computer still in use

Learn More. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Kevin Huffman, who owns the Huffman Industrial Warehouse in the US purchased a couple of Apple IIe’s back in the day, and has never looked back since. Learn how your comment data is processed. We strongly encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Subscribe Today to get the latest ExtremeTech news delivered right to your inbox. It started life in 1970, and was one of the world’s first 16-bit word addressed machines, and proved to be blisteringly fast in its operation and remarkably stable. A perfectly intact 1970's era computer, surviving long after its peers have vanished to dust. The chart below lists more details about the 10 oldest legacy systems still in use in the federal government as tallied up by GAO. We took to investigating these old machines and to our surprise we discovered that there are still a fair few being used right now. 92. It is also known for being used in low latency applications. The result was extremely successful, and as accurate as you can get. I still have my TRS-80 Model 100 Laptop. Amazingly, it wasn’t until recently that a flat file database of every US citizen’s tax was replaced by a modern system. Impress your friends with trivia, like the original price of a Apple-1, and also learn the evolution of computing machines to impress your Sheldon-like friends. I use a combination of Easy Working: The Planner (a spreadsheet program). Moving up through the ranks, many of you may have got to tinker with the behemoth mainframes, or those wonderful punch card machines. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 16 Reasons Why We Are Sticking With iOS 13, The Best Gadget Cases, Sleeves & Bags for 2020, Beyond Facebook – Socialising in Isolation. And even when the computer does finally turn off, the Voyager mission will continue outward to distant stars. Although they haven't received anything from Pioneer 10 since 2002. This may explain then why a VAX11/780 is still in operation in part of the F-15 and F-18 fighter jet Hawk missile systems, and can be found throughout some of the older model US Navy submarine fleet, and on board aircraft carriers. The descendent of the PDP11 was the DEC VAX (Virtual Address eXtension), a much improved 32-bit complex instruction set computer that was faster and more powerful than anything previously seen in the minicomputer world. The world’s oldest, original, still-working digital computer has been unveiled at the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park, the home of the United Kingdom’s Second World War … These cookies do not store any personal information. The truth though was that these were excellent, hardwearing machines. In addition to the countless government computers that still run the operating system, there are at least seven machines accessible from the outside Internet running in 2017 that still use … However, it’s still being kept as the backup unit for those times when the current model fails. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. For me, the oldest piece of technology that I still use on a daily basis is probably an RCA speaker system that I bought with my own cold-hard cash when I was in junior high about 10 years ago. Report comment. Short Bytes: MOCAS is the world’s oldest computer program that’s still in active use. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Sparkler Filters, based in Texas, manufactures and sells water filtration equipment. From 1970s minicomputers used for military programs (including nuclear weapons) to an IBM punch-card system still keeping the books at a Texas filter supplier, these are the computers … 10 Oldest Programming Languages Still in Use. While they might not be visible to the average person, programming languages literally help the… Read More. Other than WITCH, there are some other old computers still in use today, mostly in the form of legacy DEC PDP systems still in use by the US and UK military. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It was awesome stuff this, back in the day. The other is in storage and will be used in case the main Apple ever becomes faulty. One of his Apple’s is, and has been all this time, running the company’s accounts and has never failed him yet. It is more of an intermediate level language that can be used lower level or higher level, depending on the application. While it’s difficult to say with absolute certainty what the oldest computer program in use is (as there might be an incredibly old program somewhere in the bowels of an old company or bank office still cranking away in anonymity), we can say with certainty that the oldest verified computer program still humming along is tasked with managing U.S. Department of Defense contracts. Here are the oldest systems GAO found were still in use, along with the plan (if any) of when they'll be updated. They were actually tabulating machines, which to quote Wikipedia is ‘an electromechanical machine designed to assist in summarising information’. Between 1952 and 1957 the computer was used for early atomic research, and then it was given to Wolverhampton University, where it remained in operation until 1973. The Harwell Dekatron / WITCH clattering back into life at The National Museum of Computing on 20 November 2012. According to the column, MOCAS is currently believed to be the world's oldest computer program that's remains in active use. They’re often seen tinkering with mind boggling electronics, they generally operate in a room that’s far too small for all the kit they own, and they are often regarded by outsiders as a bit of a strange breed. Up until recently I used an old PhotoShop that was probably older but running CS now. Between 1973 and 1997 it was on display at a museum in Birmingham, and then it disappeared into storage, only to be discovered by chance in 2009. They were constructed in an age where this disposable society of ours was unheard of, where every conceivable part of the machine could be repaired by a skilled engineer. We know how you feel fellow Hammer, or whatever you call yourselves. Anyway, the IBM 402 first appeared in the late ‘40s, 1948 is quoted in some instances, and consists of a kind of breadboard setup on to which you would wire up connections to perform certain operations. The Apple IIe, for example, was a fine and well used business machine – as well as being a powerful home computer as well – that saw many years of service. The oldest computer I still have up and running is ZX Spectrum +2A which is a late model, made after Sinclair's computer business was acquired by Amstrad, but it's still pretty nice to have and it's as close to the original as I can get. It also had 128KB of RAM, a 360KB double-sided 5.25-inch floppy disk, a 10MB hard drive, and an Intel 8088 processor running at a blistering 4.77MHz. The IBM Personal Computer XT was released in 1983, and featured the ability to access the legendary IBM 3340 Winchester hard drive cluster, or Data Access Storage Facility as it was known as back then. David has spent most of his life tinkering with technology, from the ZX Spectrum, getting his hands on a Fujitsu VPP5000/100 supercomputer, and coding on an overheating Raspberry Pi. Black Dog Media Ltd © Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved. It’s important to note what’s meant by “system” here. He's written for the likes of Micro Mart, Den of Geek, and countless retro sites and publications, covering reviews, creating code and bench testing the latest tech. Which is probably why it’s still in use today as a part of the US Navy’s ship radar systems and, as rumoured, at work within the British Atomic Weapons Establishment. The oldest one I still use on a regular basis is an . They saw service from 1984 onwards to, unbelievably, December 2000. These systems are designed in such a way that they rarely fail. The DEC MicroVAX 3100 in question, the actual model number is unknown, has been busy working in the Hecla Mining Company since it was purchased in 1987. 11 Oldest Computers Still In Use. Longevity is the key here, which is probably why the US government’s IRS still uses it. My aunt still has a early 2006 MBP as her main computer (soon to be replaced by an iMac), and my grandparents a late 2008 MBP. If you would look at these computers, you can say that they are large especially when you compare them to the type of computers that we have right now. Posted by Shasha Neil. WITCH certainly wasn’t a supercomputer. Over the last three years, WITCH has been lovingly restored to its original glory — and now it’s on display at Bletchley, powered up and working its way through some original 1950s computer programs. You’ll also find it alive and well in the International Space Station. A computer system built and designed nigh on 40 years ago, alive and well, and running in some quite extraordinary circumstances and environments. And it’s still going to this day. Part of the US nuclear weapons facilities, spread across the country, uses 5.25 floppy disk. on Feb 8, 2015 at 07:26 UTC. Your IP address has been flagged for potential security violations. The computer, originally called Harwell but now called the Wolverhampton Instrument for Teaching Computing from Harwell (WITCH), was originally powered up in 1951 (pictured above). 10 Ancient computers that are still in use today. Furthermore, if you’re an engineer working for the Minuteman ICBM system, then there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll come across a VAX11/780 as part of the control and test systems. When all most folks do is browse the internet and maybe write an email or two. This page explores what program might be the oldest computer program in the world that is still in active use. And should you decide to purchase anything from them, then your payment and your account will be put through the same IBM 402 that the company bought way back in 1949. Now, decades later, they are still being used. It was quite the bee’s knees. Presumably this is in case of some form of Armageddon, be that nuclear, alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, and any other Hollywood scenario you can think of. UCLA still has, and uses, an IBM System/360 mainframe. They have very basic mechanical based interfaces in place that are made to work and last for a very long time. It used an Orthogonal Instruction Set that dir… I fire it up occasionally to make sure it still starts and to try my hand at some BASIC. That can figure heavily into the correct answer. I use a 15" early 2011 MBP and it's still a very quick, very capable computer. BastetFurry says: August 5, 2019 at 6:27 am Which would then be the Zuse Z1. The oldest tech still in use was found in … The US Secret Services allegedly still uses an IBM mainframe from the 70s. From Abacus to Kaypro 2X, and all of the computers in between, find out how much you know about the history of computers. What are the oldest file formats still in use? Pronounced see-plus-plus, C++ was developed 11 years later in 1983. What it lacked in speed, though, it made up for in accuracy and perseverance — WITCH didn’t make mistakes, and it could be left alone for hours or days without any human interaction. They were, and still are, considered very capable machines, and a huge improvement from the more monolithic PDP and previous VAX computers. Posted by Lauren Johnson. Posted by admin / Technology / 6 Comments . This then is probably why the Department of Defence used them as test machines for the HARM missiles that were fitted in aircraft carriers in the mid-eighties. These systems are still in use today, in fact there’s even a company, which the US military hires, who specialises in using modern hardware to emulate the HP 3000 based missile system. The IBM 402 and 403 weren’t, strictly speaking, computers, as such. The old 270mm reels of tape we often see spinning around in old movies were the only long-term, and speedy storage mechanisms for many years. Edited by JPat Brown. He also has a huge collection of cables. Allegedly, the likes of NORAD in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, the Raven rock Alternate Command Centre (Site R), Area 51, Mount Weather and many other places of a black ops nature have a doomsday scenario backup Ham computer interface setup up and running. The world’s oldest, original, still-working digital computer has been unveiled at the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park, the home of the United Kingdom’s Second World War encryption and codebreaking efforts, where, among other luminaries, Alan Turing and co famously broke the German Enigma cipher. Other > > > branches only upgrade after every user who knows how to run the system > > > is dead/retired. Written by Allan Lasser. In a sense then it’s a computing machine, and for the sake of argument we’ll call it a computer in this instance. They’re apparently very good at it too, since they’ve doing it from 1928. The point being, they can still coordinate and contact other surviving bases while keeping a chain of command. The definition of the character set varied by computer, with 6 bit. The Antikythera Mechanism, described as "the world’s first analogue computer" was created 2,000 years ago and discovered in 1901 in a shipwreck … Whats da oldest computer program you use? One of the most recently developed tape drives can squeeze a modest 185TB of data on to its layer of superfine crystal particles, and it’s said to last for at least sixty years. (Last year NASA put out a call for a FORTRAN programmer to upgrade the probes' software.) For a short time, the VAX11/780 was used as the processor standard benchmark, but it was the fact that this system, much like its predecessor, was rock solid and rarely failed. Designed to work continuously for many years. Even a twenty old computer can manage that. It’s quite extraordinary. It does make you assess though, why we need such powerful and expensive machines. The Commodore 64, which needs no introduction, is still alive and being used in the 21st century outside of the retro computing scene. These are computers that are put up back in the 1970s. The DEC MicroVAX range of minicomputers were the lower end and more affordable of the minicomputer series. We’re quite guilty of looking back through rose tinted glasses at the computers we remember in our youth. 296,000 years from now it will go cruising a mere 4.3 light years away from Sirius, computer turned off, but the components still preserved in the vacuum of space. After all, systems that you might not consider still under production, such as the PDP-10 or PDP-11 are to at least a certain extent (and I don't mean emulation). Those were the home computers though, the entertainment side of computing if you will. It ran Apple DOS, had a 1MHz 6502 CPU, 64KB of RAM, and several auxiliary slots into which you could fit extra RAM cards, printer cards, connection cards, and an improved video card. The article claims “oldest still in use”, not “oldest”. Its main use is to read the old antique (now obsolete) tapes from very old customer systems so that we can get their old applications when we upgrade them to a new system. The oldest computers still in use in the military are probably DEC PDP-11s dating back to 1970, enormous computers by our standards, but remarkably compact considering what they were capable of at the time. > > >1: What is the oldest computer or comptuer system still in normal > > >operational use Define what you mean by "Oldest Computer or Computer System". Although it was completed in 1946, at the end of WWII, it was crucial in helping assist during later conflicts such as the Cold War and Korean War. All told, the WITCH had 40 banks of 8 dekatrons, meaning it could store up to 40 8-digit numbers. PCMag Digital GroupExtremeTech is among the federally registered trademarks of Ziff Davis, LLC and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Turing machine, I have no doubt, is the oldest standard in wide use in the computer industry. It’s often easy to forget that during the ‘70s and ‘80s there was also a serious business side to computing. 10 Oldest Street Railway Systems in the World. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. The oldest piece of hardware I still use to this day is a ThinkPad R51 laptop dating from 2004 (according to the BIOS). Being one of the oldest computers, this is also one of the first computers used for the purpose of war. Oldest Computer still in use. Playing on a ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atari consoles and so on is like being a child again, and recalling the sounds, feel, and smell of overheating electronics. The Apple IIe was the third generation series of Apple personal computers that was launched in 1983. There are apparently 36 million pagers/beepers still in use today. It was also used to calculate the likelihood of developing the H-bomb, one of the most powerful weapons ever tested. Somewhere, in deepest darkest Alaska, this ancient minicomputer is attached to a scale that automatically inputs weights into calculation tables, calculates silver and gold ounce per ton values for raw ore sample with flux corrections (yeah, we have no idea what that means either); creates work lists for sample sets and inserts a replicate every 50 samples, and it prints sticky labels on to an equally aged printer. Amateur radio, or Ham radio, users share a common spirit with computer enthusiasts. You may be asking yourself why all these organisations, especially the ones that look after an arsenal of scary weaponry, are using such antiquated technology? I have a lot of fond memories of that machine…programming, electronics, all sorts of neat stuff. Well, in most instances the answer is simple: it just works. As the name dekatron suggests, the WITCH actually counted in decimal (base ten) rather than binary. The Expo and Millennium SkyTrains in Vancouver ran off three IBM XTs. by Brian - Pusher of Buttons. Wonder what the reception up there is like? So much so, that the National Weather Service in the US bought several, complete with the Winchester Storage Facility, when they started to interpret weather patterns based on the data sent from weather balloons. It’s also said to be still in use at Airbus SAS, and was part of the designing of the A320 family of planes. Linguistic Equivalent: Sanskrit. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. > > > The oldest computer still in use has to be a government non military > > > server somewhere. The oldest computer still in use by the U.S. government appears to be the on-board systems for the Voyager 1 and 2 space probes -- nearly 40 years old, and 12.47 billion miles away from earth. These days, the NWS utilises the supercomputing power of some of the fastest machines ever created, but they still own and use several old IBM XTs and input the data from the existing weather balloons into the Winchester array. Output is either to an electromechanical typewriter (teleprinter), or a tape punch. Apparently, some 70% to 80% of UK plc business transactions are based on Cobol. All of his accounts, dating back many years now, are all stored on 5.25-inch floppy disks and it prints invoices, cheques, and inventory forms as well as being used as the business spreadsheet machine. It was specified by Alan Turing in 1936 and is, to this day, the standard model for discussing computational complexity and relating the difficulty of various problems, a … Now, if we can only find a company that still uses a ZX Spectrum…. The oldest computer program still in use From SusoSight. And as we said earlier, they were made in a time where repairing a system was the norm instead of scrapping it and buying a newer model. All radio-like valves, pulsing and expanding like a vertical crop of transparent onions, complete with little pops and crackles, beeps and the continual thrum of overworked machinery. Whether you call them trams, light rails, or streetcars, in the early to mid-19th century… Read More. It is very similar to C, in fact it is often considered an extension of C. It added various concepts such as classes, virtual functions, and templates. Yes, that PII is running at a whopping 366Mhz, that video card has an AMAZING 2.5MB of Video … Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The computational processes themselves, carried out by relays, was very slow — somewhere on the order of 5 or 10 seconds to multiply two numbers. It’s little wonder then that Ham radio computer interfaces are still being produced today, and are in use in many a home across the world as well as some notable military bases. The military gets too much cash not to swap their > > > equipment out every decade at the latest so I rule them out. It seems that MOCAS (Mechanization of Contract Administration Services) is still used by the United States Department of Defense running on an IBM 2098 model E-10 mainframe. To see it in action, watch the video below (or if it doesn’t appear, view it on the BBC site). So here are a few more instances where the modern world around is being controlled by something that was designed and built thirty-plus years ago. As the user of the system, YouCantOutrunABear, states on his Reddit account, “there’s no need for me to play Fallout, I apparently work in it.”. This question came up on Slashdot the other day and I wasn't really satisfied with the answers being given. Naturally the amount of data used back then was very little compared to today’s use, but even still there were entire rooms, warehouses even, dedicated purely to tape drives. The HP 3000 series of minicomputers were released in 1972, and featured such revolutionary concepts as an operating system, RISC processors, and you could easily interface with the mainframes of time and large storage arrays. Contemporary Presence: Still one of the dominant languages in AI work. Reply. “I think the record was over one Christmas-New Year holiday when [Harwell/WITCH] was all by itself, with miles of input data on punched tape to keep it happy, for at least ten days and was still ticking away when we came back,” says Jack Howlett, who worked with WITCH in the 1950s. They're not exactly spritely, but they get the job done. I complained about people giving anecdotal evidence like "banks and government institutions have old computers". The most interesting facet of WITCH was the volatile memory, which was fashioned out of dekatrons — big vacuum tubes that store a numerical value. Some traffic signs in the US still use TRS-80 100 laptops to control their displays. We have another PDP whose only purpose in life is to provide spare parts to the one we keep running. What they used to have was a bank of magnetic tapes, storing a single database which needed to be accessed via a COBOL created interface. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Good times! But you could say that the computer in it might still be running. The minute you start to include a more sophisticated system, with a higher software level other than on or off, yes or no, there then becomes more room for failure. Oldest in-use computer? Of course, the computers aboard the earliest space probes (Pioneer, Voyager) and American ICBMs (Minuteman) are also very old, and still in operation today — in the case of the LGM-30 Minuteman, which entered operation in 1970, the US plans to keep them in operation until at least 2030. Next: a USB-C ... Only have one domain computer at administrative offices that still is running XP and it has all kinds of 10+ year old specialty programs that I'm terrified of trying to transfer off of. The New York subway Metro Card system still uses OS/2. 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