sustainable water use in agriculture

The first scientific publication was in 1979 by authors Fletcher and Roberts, followed by Loyd in 1980. *Desarrollar modelos de análisis de las interrelaciones entre actividad exportadora, eficiencia medioambiental desde la perspectiva microeconómica. Water is an important resource that is used in our daily lives. This paper aims to identify whether the currently proposed indicator 6.4.2 considers the different elements that need to be accounted for in a WS indicator. ; MacDonald, B.H. So, under scarcity conditions and climate change considerable effort has been devoted over time to introduce policies aiming to increase water efficiency based on the assertion that more can be achieved with less water through better management. It has moved. However, the automatic detection of CPIS using remote sensing images remains a challenge, and much research has adopted visual interpretation. towards SDG target 6.4: An evaluation of indicator 6.4.2. Determinantes de la eco-innovación y la heterogeneidad en productividad y rendimiento medioambiental (ECO2017-82347-P), Choice of Livelihood Strategies and Its Determinants in Pastoralist Area of Bale Zone: The Case of Sawena District, Oromia, South East Ethiopia, Evolution and current scenario of irrigated area in Brazil: Systematic data analysis, Contribution of Irrigation Ponds to the Sustainability of Agriculture. This research aimed to evaluate the use of deep semantic segmentation of CPIS from CNN-based algorithms using Landsat-8 surface reflectance images (seven bands). also shows the number of published articles on SWUA per million inhabitants in each country (APC: number of articles per 1 mill. It can be stated that bioimpendance and dielectric spectroscopy are being increasingly applied and that they have the capacity to deepen and enhance research investigation. With respect to impact indicators, Agricultural W, the highest total number of citations of 4367, followed by Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, with the highest number of citations per article are Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment with, 45.9, Agricultural Water Management with 27.5, Field Crops Research with 26.2 and Journal of. article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution. The developed methodology can be subdivided into the following steps: (a) Definition of three study areas with a high concentration of CPIS in Central Brazil; (b) acquisition of Landsat-8 images considering the seasonal variations of the rain and drought periods; (c) definition of CPIS datasets containing Landsat images and ground truth mask of 256×256 pixels; (d) training using three CNN architectures (U-net, Deep ResUnet, and SharpMask); (e) accuracy analysis; and (f) large image reconstruction using six stride values (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256). ; Bell, A.R. The National Water Plan 2019–2024 identifies the ine cient use of water as one of the problems related to water resources, particularly in the agricultural sector, which generates water losses of more than 40% [19]. development and its sub-areas using scientific literature. Agricultural ecosystems play a fundamental role in meeting these two challenges as they are the principal suppliers of food but also the principal consumers of water resources on a global level [3,4]. citations in total articles; TC/A: total citation per article; R: ranking position. This is the case for journals such as Sustainability, there are journals with a high number of articles and higher tradition in this topic that also showed, relatively reduced indexes. The second, (Green) represents Germany with Brazil, Iran, Uzbekistan, Sweden and Switzerland. Adopting proven sustainable agricultural practices reduces water use per bushel. ; Pfister, S. A revised approach to water footprinting to make transparent the impacts of, consumption and production on global freshwater scarcity. The purpose of this conference is to move IWA, in collaboration with other stakeholders, further down the path of implementing sustainable use of water in three specific venues—industry, agriculture, and cities. The process presented 31 articles in line with the research topic in the Scopus database. Of these, a total of 80,763 papers were identified as being groundwater-related publications. Since more water is available for agriculture, the crisis is therefore not a crisis for agriculture, but rather a crisis for the natural environment which would have to make do with less water. For example, one water company (Compagnie du Bas-Rhône-Languedoc) bases its tariffs on user demand, another (Compagnie d'Aménagement des Coteaux de Gascogne) combines quotas with water pricing, while a third (Société du Canal de Provence) uses long term marginal cost pricing. Today, the main water source for over 2 billion people are aquifers – underground stores of freshwater. As sessile organisms, plants cannot avoid adverse environmental conditions and contact with other living organisms. The sustainable use of water is a priority for agriculture arid areas. A global field of research has emerged using this conceptual, framework, generating a volume of literature on sustainable water use in agriculture (SWUA) that is, relevant to scientists and stakeholders. China, articles in collaboration with the group built by Australia and the United States have been, researchers focus on the efficient use of water, countries), the main topic is groundwater, study territory has been found. Zhang, X.; Pei, D.; Hu, C. Conserving groundwater for irrigation in the North China Plain. the comparison between some of these journals according to this index does highlight interesting cases, although there is no clarification. agronomy Review The Use of Water in Agriculture in Mexico and Its Sustainable Management: A Bibliometric Review Claudia A. Ochoa-Noriega 1, José A. Aznar-Sánchez 1,* , Juan F. Velasco-Muñoz 1 and Alejandro Álvarez-Bejar 2 1 Department of Economy and Business, Research Centre CIAIMBITAL and CAESCG, University of Almería, 04120 Almería, Spain; … The topic of green innovation (GI) has increasingly attained organizational relevance due to its contribution to the satisfaction of environmental needs while concurrently enabling companies to differentiate themselves from their competitors, and hence attain sustainable competitive advantages. As a result, this area of research has increased in importance, becoming one of the most prolific lines of study. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. The overlapping images significantly improved the accuracy and reduced the error present in the edges of the classified frames. The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic literature review on the theme of sustainable development from the perspective of eco-efficiency, with the adaptation of the Knowledge Development Process intervention instrument - constructivist (ProKnow-C). To understand groundwater-related processes and explore ways to mitigate pertaining issues, large numbers of groundwater-related studies have been performed by the research community. However, the growing demand for information on the arrangement and spatio-temporal dynamics of this increasingly important model of intensive agriculture is likely to drive this line of research in the coming years. The three most prominent journals in this fiel are Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources Conservation and Recycling and Ecological Economics. In the case of La Charente, a decision has been take to build a new dam in order to increase the water supply (particularly during summer): the institute is seeking an incentive which will induce farmers to continue to use water sparingly, allowing for the physical and social constraints of this catchment area. With a view to the new common agricultural policy (CAP) period, the European Court of Auditors has launched an audit of the impact of EU agricultural policy on the sustainable use of water. Business, Management and Accounting represented 2.6%, Multidisciplinary. France had, the highest percentage of works with international collaboration at 68.75% of the total, followed by. In conclusion, the evolution of the number of publications on Remote Sensing of Agricultural Greenhouses and Plastic-Mulched Farmland found throughout the period 2000–2019 allows us to classify the subject studied as an emerging research topic that is attracting an increasing level of interest worldwide, although its relative significance is still very limited within the remote sensing discipline. In this first period, research was directed towards, the conservation and environmental protection as well as the agricultural development in developing. The present study explores what role water pricing and allocation plays or could play to promote a more sustainable use of water in agriculture in Europe. Farmers use water to grow crops. To do this, a review including a qualitative systematic analysis and a quantitative bibliometric analysis was carried out on a sample of 951 articles. The 20 most frequently used keywor, (Irrigation, Agriculture, Crops, Irrigation-System, Crop-Y. The results indicate that the number of articles published has increased steadily each year, especially in the last five years, accounting for 45% of all the articles. A list of food, agriculture and fisheries events organised by OECD in Paris and abroad., The objective of this World Bank-OECD workshop was to develop recommendations on how to achieve effective policy change at the water and agriculture interface in order to address agriculture’s water quantity and quality challenges and contribute to more sustainable water use. The selected studies show that environmental practices employed in the automotive sector are: the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions, life-cycle assessment, cleaner production, reverse logistics and eco-innovation. ; Guest, J.S. A systematic review and a bibliometric analysis were developed to sample 1022 articles. Furthermore, the efficiency of irrigation is very low, since less than 65% of the applied water is actually used by the crops. country with which they are collaborating. However, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, that had articles with the most international collaboration (73.91%), followed by the University of. The keywords most frequently used include: water-use, irrigation, water-management, water-supply, and sustainability. journals in which most articles had been published were the Journal of Cleaner Production, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, and Chemsuschem. It was possible to verify the main authors, research centers and companies, countries and journals that publish on the subject; the most cited documents; the technological classes; and the networks of collaborations of this work. This article analyses the dynamics of worldwide research on this topic over the last two decades. The number of countries (C) increased from 3 to 69. University and Northwest A&F University). Documents dealing with measures to mitigate environmental impacts through sustainable management practices, development of circularity processes on value chains, assessment of proposed or already implemented legal measures are especially welcome. Our analysis revealed that groundwater research output increased significantly during this period, at average annual rate of 10.1%, exceeding the general trend for the WSCC (3.4%). on the watershed level. category; 2.6% in Business, Management and Accounting; linked to the water use efficiency and water ecosystemic services concepts. The audit, which has just started, will be useful as the EU moves forward with its reform of the common agricultural policy. became the leading country for this ranking. Analysis of the keywords used in publications about biotic stress shows the great interest in the biotic–abiotic stress interaction, in the gene expression regulation in plants as well as phytohormones in the current research. The present study enabled the establishment of a database of center pivot images and an adequate methodology for mapping the center pivot in central Brazil. In addition, indicator 6.4.2 is only one indicator, which monitors blue WS, but does not give information on green or green-blue water scarcity or on water quality. Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency and Buildings have been verified as the most used keywords. Managing water use in agriculture has been identified as one of the key themes relating to water scarcity and drought. agronomic and management aspects. Water scarcity, herbicide-resistant weeds, climate change, and declining soil and water quality are increasing crop production risks, lowering yields, and negatively impacting the environment. They can affect all other actors of the quadruple helix, e.g. The values that appear in the table refer to the position that keywords occupied in each sub-period, compared with the total number of keywords of the sample, the number of articles in which, it appeared [R (A)] and the repetition percentage (%). The decision-making process has to be able to incorporate stakeholders’ preferences, as well, as keep ecosystem integrity and their service flow, The countries that published the most articles were China, the U.S., Australia, India and Germany. a collaboration network (NC) and the five main collaborators from each of the most productive, countries (classified in descending order with respect to the number of collaborations). Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Conservation agriculture (CA) 70% of grain producers in Western Cape practice CA, with significant scope for expansion in other agriculture sectors. have accumulated the highest average number of citations per article and have the highest H index. These data highlight the fact that the publication increase on SWUA is superior to the one of water, as a general theme. In total, 68.63% of the articles were published in this period. Further, the paradigm shift might change the universities' role in the quadruple helix, substantiating their importance in the process of social change. The journals in, which more articles on SWUA were published were high quality. PIs can proactively shape the innovation process and thus the shift from technological to social innovation, through various channels. The sample included 6063 articles. Modern climate change has significantly affected the cropping systems and their productivity at regional level. Published by Elsevier B.V. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, It also means water supply will remain consistent, despite climate change impacts, such as a lack of rainfall and drought, or too much rain and being flood resilient. In the final, sample, documents without a rigorous review process were r, ]. Institutions based in developed countries have held predominance in publishing groundwater research, however, research output from developing countries, such as China and India, experienced much growth in recent years. Environmental Science and Agricultural and Biological Sciences are the main categories. An impr. The main aim of this study was to present a review of worldwide WUEA research over the last 30 years. The results revealed the growing interest in this research field, particularly over the last five year-period during which 63% of all articles were published. collaboration had a higher impact when measured through the number of citations received. Environ. period and Canada, which occupied the tenth position before joining the top ten group. Characteristics of the main institutions. The present study reviewed 25 years of international research on sustainable water use in agriculture. The period was divided into five-year sub-periods, which show the evolution of keywords. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the worldwide dynamics of economic studies on water use in the last 30 years and especially on. A quantitative assessment and consequences of an increasing share of bio-energy in energy supply, Du, T.; Kang, S.; Sun, J.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, J. Irrigation: 11 thoughts on sustainable water use in agriculture Our expert panel offers insights on how farming in developing countries could be improved through irrigation and how water … In the sustainable water use scenario, groundwater overdrafting is eliminated gradually until 2025 through a reduction in the extraction rates. The GraphPad Prism 5, VOSviewer and CiteSpace softwares are used for analysis. UK, France and Italy) together with South Africa, Mexico and New Zealand. China, the U.S., Australia, India and Germany produced the most research. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Sustainable agriculture must nurture healthy ecosystems and support the sustainable management of land, water and … s externalidades, entendidas en sentido amplio: ambientales, efectos-distrito y competitividad de los territorios, siniestralidad minera, etc. seventh position in the entire period and the third position in the last five-year period (2013–2017). This work analyzes the worldwide research dynamics on remote sensing-based mapping of agricultural greenhouses and plastic-mulched crops throughout the 21st century. citation per article; IC: international collaborations; NIC: no international collaborations. The audit, which has just started, will be useful as the EU moves forward with its reform of the common agricultural In the current context of degradation and overexploitation of natural resources, social sciences and, especially, economics have a great deal to contribute in the search for susta, En France, la tarification et les quotas sont les deux instruments économiques utilisés pour la gestion de l'eau en irrigation. It can help people in the medical profession to get comprehensive understanding on the state of the art of MBD. ; Wells, P, makers: Enablers and barriers to use of publications (grey literature) of the Gulf of Maine Council on the, Comparing patent and Scientific literature in airborne wind energy, Liao, H.; Tang, M.; Luo, L.; Li, C.H. Germany displayed differences only on one keyword. The objective of this study was to analyze research trends in the field of sustainable management of metals on a global level between 1993 and 2017. The most productive authors are attached to diverse research centres and their contributions are relatively recent. Sustainable Farming System Item Principles Recommended Practices 1.1 Farm selection and management WSF 1. Bibliometric studies distinguish three types of indicators [, productivity; quality indicators that refer to impact of publications; and structural indicators that. research based on MODIS images: A critical review with a bibliometric analysis. Results indicate that the use of groundwater for the irrigation of horticultural crops in the greenhouses presents a high degree of overexploitation of the aquifers, but due to the continuous search for alternative water resources, such as desalinated and reclaimed water, as well as in-depth knowledge of the integral management of water irrigation through automated fertigation and localized irrigation systems, the current status of the water resources could be sustainable. As a result, despite the decrease in water consumption, the total amount of water consumption taken from the territory of Ukraine is 20-25 km3 higher. Gimenez, E.; Salinas, M.; Manzano-Agugliaro, F. as improvement for sustainable agriculture. In addition, we synthesized the contributions of the BP according to the BASF indicators, sustainable dimensions and four measurement levels: industry, organization, project and process to better describe the current academic scenario on the subject. A similar trend is observed with regard to the changes in the productivity of other major cereals, except corn, the yield of which increased in all areas, but in the Forest-Steppe and Polissya by 71-82%, and in the Steppe - only by 9%. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, C: country; A: the annual number of total articles; TC: the annual number of citations in total articles; TC/A: total. / In France, water pricing and quota systems are the two economic instruments used to manage irrigation water. As expected, journals selected by authors to publish their relevant findings are plant-specific journals. The most frequently used keywords were irrigation, crop yield, water supply, and crops. Chang. Given the fact that agriculture has a dominant share among the water user sectors and water scarcity is a threat to In terms of agriculture, sustainability is, focused on the development of safe practices that do not damage the environment [, to the management of hydric resources in agriculture, sustainability is viewed as the set of practices, that increase crop production while minimizing water losses [, management of hydric resources in agriculture consider the continuity of the agrarian system from a, physical-biological perspective, economic efficiency in the use of resources and social participation, ]. The total number of citations accumulated (TC), grew from 1 in 1994 to 5638 in 2017, which resulted in an increase in the average number of citations. The obtained results are useful for experts when introducing and evaluating, scientific activity within a field of study as well as for analysts and managers in the decision-making, ], which identifies the driving forces in a field of study, Furthermore, through the use of different tools, the collaborative relationships between differ. Australia faces major challenges in ensuring sustainable water supply in the face of a drying climate and growing demand for water. ; Gallego. We concluded, through the systemic analysis, that the automotive sector is well structured on the issue of sustainability and process innovation. has the same number of articles published, but his work in the North China Plain is more agronomic. The U.S. and Germany had the same keywords, while Australia included the name of the country among the most used keywords and did not include, China is the only country that included W, sustainable management of water use and its efficiency. The purpose of the present paper is to draw a picture of the integral management of water irrigation in the intensive horticultural systems in the region, by identifying the most significant water resource contributions and alternative water resources. The article highlights the research results on the assessment of natural moisture supply in Ukraine, the state of water resources and agricultural production in the face of modern climate change taking into account the forecast for the medium and long term prospects. The most active categories in those fields are engineering, social sciences and environmental issues in that order. It can be assumed that the study of sustainability and energy efficiency across all its dimensions is of great interest for the scientific community. As far as the keyword evolution is concerned, the term Climate Change stands out. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Pour une gestion efficace de la ressource en eau, le Cemagref recherche les instruments économiques les mieux adaptés.Dans le cas de la Charente, suite à la décision de construction d'un nouveau barrage, il s'intéresse à l'outil incitatif qui permet aux agriculteurs de continuer à avoir un com-portement économe en eau, tout en prenant en compte les contraintes physiques et sociales de ce bassin versant. Correspondence:; Tel. In this article, a bibliometric analysis of biotic stress is carried out. Consequently, irrigation has to be closely linked with water-use efficiency with the aim of boosting productivity and improving food quality, especially in those areas where problems of water shortages or collection and delivery are widespread. article on SWUA in 2011–2013). Three journals—Agricultural Water Management, Water Resources Management and Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao Agricultural Engineering—published the most of the articles. Spain, whereas the last positions are occupied by China and India. The three, The relevance of forests to sustain human well-being and the serious threats they face have led to a notable increase of research works on forest ecosystem services during the last few years. All the materials included in the analysis have been reported from Scopus. This research makes multiple new contributions, providing both academics and practitioners a better panorama to achieve sustainable development through eco-efficiency by expanding the literature review, highlighting the synergies and barriers between eco-efficiency and sustainable development and by comparing and analysing them, showing its relevant features. In this study, all research papers published between 1978 and 2017 incorporating “groundwater” in the title, keywords, or abstract, were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection (WSCC). ... Bibliometric analysis offers a more comprehensive perspective, by analysing publication trends in various generic categories, such as countries (UN member states), institutions, journals, citations, and keywords (Jinshui et al., 2012;Pritchard, 1969). Many surveys approach the problem of overexploitation of freshwater resources and the threat to food security [8][9][10], ... Water has always been documented for playing crucial roles in various aspects of people's activities, maintains the ecosystem that provides and gives valuable services to both the environment and human beings [6]. Although CPIS presents a consistent circular shape in the landscape, these areas can have a high internal variation with different plantations that vary over time, which is difficult with just the spectral behavior. The paper is a conceptual paper and therefore focuses on theoretical considerations. and spatial deficit irrigation in north China. Many results concerning the annual trends, the top players in terms of journal and institute levels, the citations and H-index in terms of country level, the keywords distribution, the highly cited papers, the co-authorship status and the most influential journals and authors are presented in this paper. identification of the different research tr, the countries shared the same keywords, although there are some dif. The 20, most frequently used keywords in articles on SWUA are displayed in T. 1993–2017. Dielectric and bioimpedance measurements techniques in various human activities in precipitation higher impact when measured through the systemic analysis that... Role as transformative agents of the Creative Commons Attribution improving its use is essential ecosystems social... Is 40-45 km3/year higher than in 1990 primary tool allowing regional and continuous with... With great potential in the articles were China, the Netherlands at 65.31 % and the ranked. 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